Thursday, 26 March 2009


Here we go magic

Think Bon Iver with more instruments yet equally as beautiful enough said.

Monday, 9 March 2009


As the title suggests bit of an ELECTRO theme to this post.

First off, Dan Deacon's latest album Bromst due out march 24th! Luckily Gareth and i secured a cheeky Pre-release copy! we love it! For those of you new to Deacon he creates some of the craziest electro songs your ever likely to hear flipping from incredibly fast 8 bit riffs and beats, to Beautiful poppy melodies played on xylophone and a whole host of other instruments. Sort of like Hot chip with a firework up their arse, leading them to play in some sort of insane yet comprehensible frenzy.My literary abilities do not do it justice nor begin to describe how mental it is.

Check it...

Secondly, Telepathe (pronounced telepathy) the wicked Brooklyn duo who's latest album came out in January i believe! They're almost like a slightly female based; bit more electronic version of yeasayer, though with some spoken word thrown in for banter's sake. Having been Produced by TV on the radio's David Sitek; it also has the style of anyone of his projects. Anyway nuff chattin. Here's the link:


Sunday, 1 March 2009


Thanks to all who came down last Thursday, it was fun...

SOme music for you.

We love:

The first Metronomy album. Under-appreciated for no good reason other than the fact that it snuck under the radar before a truly brilliant scond album in 'Nights Out', "Pip Paine (Pay Back the £5000 you owe)' is wicked.

Check this out...

Download: Metronomy - Black Eye & Burnt Thumb

Also, have a gander at their general visual brilliance...

Next, to dig Titus Andronicus is not difficult, but of course we do it anyway:

Also, check out our boy Paul Dixon. He's our friend and a HeartBeats regular (so far!).
Give him a good listen, he's gonna be bigger than Eiffel 65 (so, you know, at least averagely sized!).

But seriously, he is going to take over Manchester. Check him out soon supporting the Noisettes at The Ruby Lounge on March 14th. Don't be stupid... GO!


That's all for now folks, keep it milky.

Saturday, 14 February 2009


Thursday 12th February
Courtesy of Nicholas Horton & yours truly.

Charles and Gareth x

P.S. to all that are perceptive enough to notice my fish eye lens needs a clean i will ensure i do this for next time HA

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

We've been dormant

But we're up and running again.

Things we like at the moment:

Cut Off Your Hands - Turn Cold

Fellas from NZ. No Flight of The Conchords but I suppose who is?

The Maccabees sophomore album is finished recording and they've given fans a taster.

The song is called No Kind Words and we love it...

Just head to the website for a free download...

Also, we're vibing off Passion Pit. We're not completely sure about them yet but giving them the time of day that this song deserves:

Anyway, HeartBeats launches TOMORROW NIGHT... We hope y'all can make it.

It is going to be wonderful.


Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Ca Plane Pour Moi...

No need for the usual rambling, this song does all the talking...

Can;t believe I only heard this song a week ago.

It's music to get all French to.


Friday, 23 January 2009

Material things like a social status...

Okay, so everyone knows that Merriweather Post Pavillion is like the best thing since sliced bread or whatever, but I still had to post this Dave Wrangler remix. The man just keeps whipping remixes out the bag!


Wednesday, 21 January 2009

I Dig!

Remix of Silent Shout by The Knife.
By Williams Acidic Circuit (wicked name)

SICKENING... good.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Monday, 19 January 2009

Nothing To Worry About

Remix of Party & Bullshit by Peter, Bjorn & John. It's sexual. And by Dave Wrangler.

Sunday, 18 January 2009


We're really digging the band Why? right now.

Their most recent album Alopecia was a bit of an underground hit with fans and critics alike last year and you can see why. This album is a gem. The lyricist is really unusual with some real surreal and seemingly out of place lines that still somehow work

"stalker's my whole style
and if i get caught i'll
deny deny deny".

Check out their myspace here...

Download it here...

BUY!!! it here...

Saturday, 17 January 2009

I'm Born...

Over the coming months, Charlie and I will be trying to post some big boy remixes and new music on these here pages. Hopefully providing some amusement for our fellow student slackers.